2022 The Journal Of Urology
The Learning Curve of Robotic assisted Transperineal MRI/US Fusion guided Prostate Biopsy
Vitkor Alargkof Anagnostou, Christian Engesser, Pawel Trotsenko,Hanns-Christian Breit, David Winkel, Helge Seifert, Christian Wetterauer
The paper is the first to assess the learning curve of robotic assisted prostate biopsy. The paper concludes the proficient performance of Robot Assisted Transperineal Fusion Biopsies (RA TP FBx) feasible as of 22 cases regardless of previous biopsy experience and presume steady accuracy due to the automatization offered by robotic technology. This is a considerable difference from the reported learning curve of other transperineal biopsy platforms 65-125 cases.
2021 Frontiers in Oncologie
Safety profile of robotic-assisted transperineal MRI-US-fusion guided biopsy of the prostate
Walter, M., Trotsenko, P., Breit, H. C., Keller, N., Meyer, A., Winkel, D. J., Seifert, H. H., & Wetterauer, C.
According to the study in this paper Robotic-assisted transperineal MRI-US-fusion guided biopsy of the prostate using Mona Lisa performed under general anesthesia is a safe and well tolerated procedure. This technique allows to omit perioperative prophylaxis and at the same time minimizes the risk of infectious complications. The paper attributed the favorable risk profile and tolerability to the minimal invasive approach via two entry points of Mona Lisa.
2020 Springer Link
Stereotactic robot-assisted transperineal prostate biopsy under local anaesthesia and sedation: moving robotic biopsy from operating theatre to clinic
Yang, X., Lee, A. Y., Law, Y. M., Sim, A. S. P., Tay, K. J., Lau, W. K. O., Ho, H. S. S., Yuen, J. S. P., & Chen, K.
This paper evaluated the safety and feasibility of performing stereotactic robot-assisted transperineal MRI-US fusion targeted prostate biopsy under local anaesthesia (LA) with sedation using Mona Lisa on 30 patients . 29 of 30 patients (96.7%) were discharged within 24 h of procedure. There were no immediate severe complications. Adenocarcinoma was detected in 19/30 (63.3%) cases. This pilot feasibility study showed that stereotactic robotic transperineal MRI-US fusion targeted prostate biopsy using Mona Lisa can be safely and accurately performed under LA with sedation.
2020 Nature
Diagnostic accuracy and clinical implications of robotic assisted MRI-US fusion guided target saturation biopsy of the prostate
Wetterauer, C., Trotsenko, P., Matthias, M. O., Breit, C., Keller, N., Meyer, A., Brantner, P., Vlajnic, T., Bubendorf, L., Winkel, D. J., Kwiatkowski, M., & Seifert, H. H.
This paper presents the concept of robotic- assisted target saturation biopsy. Target-saturation biopsies using Mona Lisa led to a more accurate characterization of Prostate Cancer in terms of Gleason score and reduced rates of signifcant cancer missed.
2020 Sciencedirect
Safety and side effects of transperineal prostate biopsy without antibiotic prophylaxis
Sigle, A., Suarez-Ibarrola, R., Pudimat, M., Michaelis, J., Jilg, C. A., Miernik, A., Grabbert, M. T., Schultze-Seemann, W., Gratzke, C., & Schlager, D.
This paper demonstrates that Transperineal prostate biopsy without antibiotic prophylaxis using Mona Lisa is a safe procedure. There was no association found between core number and complication rate.
2020 The Journal of Urology
Optimal prostate biopsy regime for the 21st century: is it necessary to do a combined target and saturation biopsies?
Woon Tsang, Yu Fei Qiao, Karthik Thandapani, Ming Chun Chan, Qinghui Wu, Bertrand Ang, Yee Lian Thian, Wynne Chua, Lincoln Tan, Edmund Chiong
This paper aims to determine the missed clinically significant prostate cancer (CSPC) rate for target and saturation biopsies using a robotic-assisted trans-perineal MRI-Fusion biopsy platform (TP MRI-Fusion BX) and the related complications. Mona Lisa was used for all the biopsy procedures. Robotic-assisted target and saturation biopsies had a miss rate of 2.97% CSPC. This was 2 to 3 times lower than doing target only and target plus systematic biopsy.